Every now and then we come across a very interesting women whether it's a passion, her job or life wisdom. We decided at Veronique Vandewalle to meet them and ask their opinions on clothing styles, their passions and their thoughts on our brand. Number 3,Greet Samyn, her passion for words make her the warmest voice for presentations, voice-overs and ceremonies.
Greet is the morning voice at Klara radio. Master of the dramatic art, option word art, with a first prize in clarinet, she is the perfect person to fuse word and music. At numerous (cultural) events, Greet is the warm-hearted hostess and for many years she warmed the hearts of young people for poetry and beautiful words.
Happy to share her gift of words during ceremonies, festive occasions or to bring softness to difficult moments.
What circumstances do you like to dress up for?
Always actually. I like to think every morning about what I will wear and how I will combine different pieces. Every occasion calls for a certain dress code.
My clothes express who I am.
What kind of woman do you feel in your VVDW outfit?
Above all, I feel very comfortable in the look Véronique created for me.
It looks very casual, but thanks to the specific cut and the high-quality finish, it still exudes class. It's not given to many designers to make that combination.
What do you think makes VVDW different from other designers?
The ecological aspect to begin with. Véronique doesn't compromise on that. If she runs out of residue, she runs out. But also: everything is 100% handmade. Craftsmanship and métier, I love that.
You can customise an outfit from VVDW all by yourself: the finish of the sleeves or the collar, the length of the trousers... Véronique looks, listens, feels and observes. You feel unique and her outfits are so because of this.
In general, which piece in your wardrobe gives the final touch to your outfit?
My shoes. They can make or break an outfit. A cool ankle boot under a skirt. A stylish loafer under a dress. Or a sober pantsuit with trainers underneath. I love experimenting with these.
How does the way you dress relate to your environment/work?
I select the looks for my presentations thoughtfully. I adapt to the occasion or to the concert. I consider what music is being played and how my outfit can respond to it.
I usually choose sober outfits in dark colours. With an accent in a striking piece of jewellery or brooch. Véronique certainly surprised me with the print and colours of the blouse!
The trousers also allow me to comfortably moderate conversations while sitting down. The overall picture should always be right in any case. I can't present in an outfit I don't feel good in.
What is your favourite garment from the VVDW collection?
That was a difficult choice for a while. I think the trench coat is going to be a classic. But I still go for the wrap skirt. Easy to combine with trainers or with pumps, giving you a different look every time!
How would you describe your style?
Timeless with a twist. Especially not garish or trendy.
How would you describe Veronique Vandewalle's pieces?
Also timeless with a twist. So it clicked immediately between us 😉
Greet wore her outfit during the presentation of the Concertgebouw Brugge's season show.